
Versatile material about natural products in different languages

Have you already read our articles or downloaded our brochures? In our webpages there are multiple possitibilities to get to know more about Finnish natural products: berries, mushrooms, herbs and other special natural products. The material is published in ten languages.

In our webpages we present the diversity of Finnish natural products and introduce the most common varieties of edible berries, mushrooms, herbs and other natural products.

In addition, you can find information about nutritional value of natural products, instructions for harvesting as well as useful tips how to use the products for example through recipes.

The arctic bilberry and the arctic lingonberry have their own webpages and brochures, where these berries are introduced more specifically. You can find them straight from the frontpage.

Material in 10 different languages

Our websites and brochures are published in several languages: Finnish, English, German, French, Russian, Japanese, Swedish, Chinese, Italian and Korean.

You can find the different language versions on the top of our webpage. Feel free to utilize our material! Remember to have adequate references, when needed - especially if you are using photos or illustrations.
