Suboptimal dietary habits influence many risks for cardiometabolic health. Cardiometabolic syndrome is considered as metabolic disorder, which is associated with increased risk for coronary artery disease, stroke and diabetes, and mortality.
Berries and berry products are essential source of polyphenols, such as anthocyanins, ellagitannins and proanthocyanidins, in the Nordic diet. Berries contain only limited amount of available carbohydrates (mainly glucose and fructose), and they have a very low glycemic effect. However, berries are often consumed with added sugar. Sugar masks the acidic taste of many berries and increase their consumption, but on the other hand, may decrease the health benefits of the berries.
Inflammation and oxidative stress play a central role in the pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes. However, little is known of how various dietary components interact to influence this inflammatory and anti-oxidant process and the development of diabetes. Most of the studies have focused on assessing individual nutrients or foods in relation to diabetes risk, while it would be important to study the relationship between dietary patterns and diabetes. This study investigated the association between an anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant dietary pattern and diabetes.
Six new studies on raspberry's health benefits were presented at the Experimental Biology conference in San Diego in April 2016. The target berry species was American raspberry (Rubus strigosus), a close relative of European raspberry (Rubus idaeus). Results were published as conference abstracts in "Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology".