Leijona ja Satakieli

Leijona ja Satakieli is a workshop home located along the historic Hämeen Härkätie road. Visitors are welcome in groups. Visitors can find out about the Oprikka textile products made by Mirka Laine-Pietilä and hear about the life and renovation of the valuable old school building. A refreshing coffee or tea can be enjoyed alongside fresh baked goods, with no compromises on the quality of ingredients. The ingredients include Finnish berries, honey, spelt flour and herbs. Real local food is available in the building’s grounds: spruce tips and a range of flowers that can be used decoratively or can be eaten.


Härkätien 807 21490 Marttila


puh. +358-41 460 6417


  • Varsinais-Suomi
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  • Ruokapalvelut
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